N. Korea unveils stamp featuring leader's daughter Ju

  发布时间:2024-09-22 01:07:39   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
This image, captured from the website of the North's Korea Stamp on Feb. 14, shows the design of a n 。
This <strong></strong>image, captured from the website of the North's Korea Stamp on Feb. 14, shows the design of a new stamp featuring North Korean leader Kim Jong-un taking a photo with his daughter Ju-ae to mark the firing of a Hwasong-17 intercontinental ballistic missile in November last year. Yonhap
This image, captured from the website of the North's Korea Stamp on Feb. 14, shows the design of a new stamp featuring North Korean leader Kim Jong-un taking a photo with his daughter Ju-ae to mark the firing of a Hwasong-17 intercontinental ballistic missile in November last year. Yonhap

North Korea on Tuesday unveiled the designs of a new stamp featuring the daughter of the North's leader Kim Jong-un, known as Ju-ae, for the first time.

The stamp designs uploaded on the website of the North's Korea Stamp Corporation show photos of the North's leader and his daughter attending the test-firing of a Hwasong-17 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) in November last year.

It marked the first time that the North has released stamp designs featuring Ju-ae, Kim Jong-un's apparent second child, since she was first exposed to the public last year.

Of eight stamps, five designs contained Ju-ae's public appearance, including her walking with the North's leader hand in hand in front of a missile on a mobile launcher and taking a photo with troops.

This image, captured from the website of the North's Korea Stamp on Feb. 14, shows the design of a new stamp featuring North Korean leader Kim Jong-un taking a photo with his daughter Ju-ae to mark the firing of a Hwasong-17 intercontinental ballistic missile in November last year. Yonhap
This image, captured from the website of the North's Korea Stamp on Feb. 14, shows the design of a new stamp featuring North Korean leader Kim Jong-un taking a photo with his daughter Ju-ae to mark the firing of a Hwasong-17 intercontinental ballistic missile in November last year. Yonhap

The stamps will be issued Friday, according to the website.

Ju-ae, believed to be around 10 years old, attended a military parade last week to mark the 75th founding anniversary of the North's army, fueling speculation she may be groomed as Kim's successor.

The North's state media has recently begun calling her Kim's "respected" daughter from the "beloved" or "the most beloved" one, in a possible indication of an elevation in her profile.

Observers said it is too early to judge that she has been anointed as the successor, but the North appears to be displaying her legitimacy as a descendant of the "Paektu bloodline" of the Kim dynasty. (Yonhap)

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