Ramos wants five more years at the top

  发布时间:2024-09-23 10:26:40   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
PARIS:Paris Saint-Germain's veteran Spanish defender Sergio Ramos would like to play four or fiv 。

Paris Saint-Germain's veteran Spanish defender Sergio Ramos would like to play four or five more years of top-level football before retiring, according to an interview he gave to Prime Video.

The 36-year-old Ramos joined PSG in July after winning the Champions League four times with Real Madrid, the 2010 World Cup and two European Championships with Spain.

"I'd like to play between four and five years at the top before moving on to a new experience," Ramos told the Ligue 1 broadcaster.

"I've signed for two years here at Paris Saint-Germain and we are going to try and make that three years, one more, and then we'll see.

"As long as I can hold out physically, I believe I can remain focused," he said.

Since his arrival in Ligue 1 he has struggled with calf problems that saw him miss the first five months of the season.

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