Seoul, Washington moving to hold inaugural meeting of Nuclear Consultative Group: ambassador

  发布时间:2024-09-22 06:41:41   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
South Korean Ambassador to the United States Cho Hyun-dong speaks at a meeting with reporters in Was 。
South Korean Ambassador to the United States Cho Hyun-dong speaks at a meeting with reporters in Washington on Wednesday. (Washington Press Corps-Yonhap)South Korean Ambassador to the United States Cho Hyun-dong speaks at a meeting with reporters in Washington on Wednesday. (Washington Press Corps-Yonhap)

South Korea and the United States are working to hold their inaugural meeting of the new Nuclear Consultative Group, South Korea's ambassador to the US Cho Hyun-dong said Wednesday.

Cho also said the allies have made "progress" toward holding the first meeting of the consultative body created under the Washington Declaration, signed by their leaders in late April.

"With North Korea's threat actually materializing, the discussion for the inaugural meeting of the NCG proposed by South Korea and the US through the Washington Declaration is making progress," the South Korean diplomat said while meeting with reporters here.

"South Korea and the US are especially sharing their information and discussing countermeasures at every level since North Korea declared a second launch of a space launch vehicle following its failed launch of a reconnaissance satellite in May," Cho added.

The Washington Declaration was signed by President Yoon Suk Yeol and US President Joe Biden during their bilateral summit here, in which the US reaffirmed its commitment to providing extended deterrence to South Korea, which refers to its commitment to using all its military capabilities, including nuclear, to help defend its ally.

Seoul officials earlier said the first NCG meeting may be held as early as this month.

US officials have said the NCG will allow Seoul to provide some input into how the US should plan, manage or even execute its nuclear deterrence when dealing with the nuclear threat posed by North Korea.

Cho said the allies are holding close discussions around the clock on not only security issues but all major global issues.

"Strategic discussions and consultations are held constantly between the countries amid fast-changing global conditions," he said.

"The embassy is constantly holding close discussions with the US National Security Council and the Department of State nearly 24-7 on weekdays and weekends whenever there is a major event such as the Wagner Group crisis, State Secretary Antony Blinken's visit to China and North Korea's continuous threats of provocation," he added. (Yonhap)

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