Donald Trump impeachment, Ukraine, Democrats, starting your own podcast.

  发布时间:2024-09-21 17:43:48   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
Popular in News & Politics Jack Smith Basically Has One Option to Sa 。

Popular in News & Politics

  1. Jack Smith Basically Has One Option to Save the Classified Documents Case
  2. A Key Weakness of Trump’s Defense Is Coming Into View
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Go forth and impeach:The whistleblower crisis has President Donald Trump in a more vulnerable position than ever before. Because of this, Richard L. Hasen thinks House Democrats should go hard on impeachment, keep the issues simple, and make the process as efficient as possible. Luckily, Trump and his bumbling lawyer Rudy Giuliani are helping identify good witnesses for impeachment hearings, whether they realize it or not, Ben Mathis-Lilley notes. Dahlia Lithwick also talked to Sen. Chris Murphy about why this Trump scandal feels different than the many, many others.

But what do the people think?One of the biggest worries about starting an impeachment inquiry was the issue of public perception. How are things going so far on that front? Well, two of Fox News’ most prominent hosts had an on-air feud over the real meaning of the Ukraine call, as Justin Peters observed. And the details of the scandal are reviving comparisons of Trump to a mobster of the classic mold. That could be a good or bad thing, so Rebecca Onion talked to a Mafia expert to see if the analogy is apt. Meanwhile, the only people more confused than you and your fellow Americans on this whole ordeal are … Ukranians themselves, as Lydia Tomkiw reports.

Speak it into being:in the midst of this golden age for podcasting, have you ever thought to yourself, Hey, maybe I should start a podcast? Don’t lie, you definitely have. And luckily for you, we’re here to tell you how to do so. Slate podcast producer Benjamin Frisch runs down the equipment you should get to set up a studio in your own home, while Aaron Mak recommends the liquids and medicines you should use to keep your voice sounding pristine and croak-free while recording.

For fun:The joys of the earnest helpers of WikiHow.

I, for one, look forward to learning [squints] “How to Calculate Pi by Throwing Frozen Hot Dogs,”

Who’s Up? Who’s Down? Sign Up for the Surge.

Keep up with the race for 2020 with Slate’s weekly presidential campaign newsletter, written by Jim Newell.

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