Spaceship tech slashes energy usage of existing AC systems

  发布时间:2024-09-23 06:36:50   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
As we experience temperature extremes more often as a result of climate change, it predictably leads 。

As we experience temperature extremes more often as a result of climate change, it predictably leads to an uptick in the use of air conditioning systems. This of course results in higher energy use, which, if it’s not coming from renewable sources, means more greenhouse gas emissions, and the vicious cycle continues.

Although today’s AC units are more efficient than ever, they’re still a major drain on electrical grids, and updating to newer, more efficient units can be expensive – particularly for owners of large commercial systems. Helix Earth Technologies is looking to address this problem by repurposing a technology originally developed to filter air on spacecraft, which was developed by company CEO Rawand Rasheed and his team when he was at NASA.

The technology in question is called Helix Micra and is a filtration system that consists of the company’s proprietary filters and liquid desiccants. Rasheed claims the Helix Micra system is six to eight times more efficient than other commercially available dehumidification systems, is much smaller than current systems, and the filters are easy to manufacture using 3D printing, which can be done using recycled materials.

Most importantly, though, is the fact the system can be retrofitted to existing commercial HVAC systems and slash energy usage by 50% or more. It does this by dehumidifying the air – a necessary step in the cooling process – much more efficiently than current tech.

The Helix Micra filters were developed to, with no moving parts, capture micrometer-sized droplets of water sprayed on spacecraft to fight fires. This capability also makes the technology ideal for pre-dehumidifying the air supplied to an existing AC rooftop unit, a task that the company says can account for up to 80% of an AC’s energy usage in humid environments.

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