13 of the World's Wildest Pizza Places

  发布时间:2024-09-22 04:08:17   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
Since its 18th-century origins as a grab-and-go meal for the Neapolitan working class, pizza has had 。

Since its 18th-century origins as a grab-and-go meal for the Neapolitan working class, pizza has had a universal appeal. Cheap, delicious, customizable, and easy to eat, it proceeded to make its way into the hearts, minds, and stomachs of people all over the globe. Along the way, some of the places serving this beloved dish have gotten a little weird.

Diners can enjoy barbecue chicken pies amongst ghosts in the basement of a “haunted” former hospital at O’zone Pizza Pub in Pensacola, Florida. And pizza culture meets daredevil culture at Las Vegas’s Evel Pie, a restaurant decked out with memorabilia of the famed stuntman Evel Knievel and a neon sign that reads, “Live hard, ride fast, eat pizza.”

As humans have learned to thrive in extreme environments, they have taken pizza with them. In the village of San Vicente Pacaya, Guatemala, those willing to hike up an active volcano are treated to pizzas baked by chef and accountant Mario David García Mansilla over hot lava. Off the coast of St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, intrepid eaters swim and boat out to a floating yacht that slings New York-style pies.

For every slice of life, there’s a slice of pizza. Grab yours at one of these 13 unique shrines to the world’s favorite pie.

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