28 complaints filed on ‘noisy’ campaign songs

  发布时间:2024-09-22 09:31:53   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
North Jeolla Province saw a number of noise reports filed on the first day of official campaigning f 。
North Jeolla Province saw a number of noise reports filed on the first day of official campaigning for the June 13 local elections.

Twenty-eight reports on loud noise were made from 7 a.m. to noon on Thursday, according to Jeonbuk Provincial Police Agency.

These reports were mostly complaints about “songs blaring in the morning from campaign vehicles.” Many of these reports concerned areas with heavy traffic, such as the crossroads near Jeonju Sports Complex.

Campaign vehicles are lined up at a rotary in Nam-gu, Ulsan, Thursday morning. (Yonhap)Campaign vehicles are lined up at a rotary in Nam-gu, Ulsan, Thursday morning. (Yonhap)
There were also complaints about campaigners blocking traffic during rush hour, added the police.

“Noise that occurs during election campaigns is not subject to regulation,” said a police official. “We can only ask (campaigners) to lower the volume when a report is filed.”

By Cho Yun-myung (yunc39@heraldcorp.com)
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