Chelsea to allow fans into board meetings after Super League row

  发布时间:2024-09-23 11:18:29   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
LONDON:Chelsea have announced supporters will be allowed to attend board meetings from July after th 。

Chelsea have announced supporters will be allowed to attend board meetings from July after the club's involvement in the failed European Super League plan.

Chelsea were one of the 12 teams who signed up to the Super League, only to pull out 48 hours later after a furious backlash from across football.

Fans protested ahead of Chelsea's match with Brighton on April 20 in opposition to the controversial breakaway competition.

Now the Blues have responded to the barrage of criticism by agreeing to select three supporter advisors through an election process.

They will be able to attend approximately four board meetings per year to ensure general supporter sentiment is considered.

"Chelsea Football Club announces that, as from 1 July, there will be supporter presence at the club's board meetings," a statement said on Tuesday.

"The club will now consult with the Fans' Forum and several non-official supporter groups to discuss the club's proposed process for picking the three supporter advisors.

"Criteria for nominations as well as final selection will ensure that the supporter presence is representative of our supporter base generally and is inclusive and diverse. A new selection will be made before the start of each season.

"The successful candidates will be required to enter into a confidentiality agreement, similar in scope to the confidentiality obligations of a member of the Chelsea Football Club board of directors.

"This will allow the club to discuss and seek advice on a broad range of matters."

Supporter advisors will not have voting rights or participate in meetings relating to players, staff or the academy.

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