NK calls Trump's 'America

  发布时间:2024-09-21 22:27:08   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
North Korea on Tuesday condemned US President Donald Trump's "America-first" policy as Nazism of the 。

North Korea on Tuesday condemned US President Donald Trump's "America-first" policy as Nazism of the 21st century, claiming that Washington seeks to stifle other countries to serve its interests.

Its official Korean Central News Agency said Trump's policy is stirring up extreme aggression and chauvinism against other countries, resembling late German dictator Adolf Hitler's concept of world occupation.

"The idea is the American version of Nazism, far surpassing the fascism in the last century in its ferocious, brutal and chauvinistic nature," said the report monitored in Seoul.

It claimed that Trump's policy does not recognize other countries' right to independence, existence and development in a bid to defend Washington's interests.

The report comes as President Moon Jae-in and Trump are set to hold their first summit in Washington later this week, during which North Korea's nuclear issue is likely to top the agenda.

Trump's North Korea policy is called "maximum pressure and engagement," which first focuses on applying sanctions and pressure against Pyongyang until it gives up its nuclear weapons.

Moon is pursuing a dual-track approach of denuclearizing North Korea, and seeking to hold dialogue and engagement with it. (Yonhap)

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